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Trees are Replanted

According to the U.S. Forest Service, more than 1 billion trees are planted in the United States each year. 

2030 Goal: Drive Water Stewardship

A Better Practices, Better Planet 2030 goal is to drive water stewardship throughout our manufacturing operations. 

2030 Goal Strive for Zero Injuries

A Better Practices, Better Planet 2030 goal is to strive for zero injuries, emphasizing continual progress on reducing serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs).

The Foundations of Sustainability

Better Practices, Better Planet 2030: Sustainable Products for a Sustainable Future recognizes the three essential pillars of sustainability—economic, environmental and social.

2030 Goal Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A Better Practices, Better Planet 2030 goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Our goal to reduce GHG emissions will double the significant progress AF&PA members have made to date.