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AF&PA Opposes EPA’s Final NOx FIP Rule

The "Good Neighbor" Rule Should Exclude Paper Mill Boilers

CONTACT: Tim Ebner / Clara Cozort
(202) 463-2587,

WASHINGTON – The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) President and CEO Heidi Brock issued the following statement on the Environmental Protection Agency’s final rule for Federal Implementation Plans (FIP) Addressing Regional Ozone Transport for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NOx FIP). The NOx FIP is a multibillion-dollar Clean Air Act rule that would, for the first time, include 7 manufacturing sectors, including U.S. paper mills.

“In its decision to regulate paper mill boilers, EPA failed to consider new information we provided showing our industry did not meet legal thresholds in the proposed rule.  

“Our industry’s inclusion in the final rule will not meaningfully improve air quality. The pulp and paper industry is already a leader in sustainable manufacturing, and our mills have reduced NOx emissions by 50% since 2000. Furthermore, this regulatory action will be significantly higher than EPA's cost threshold of $7,500/ton for inclusion. At a time when the Administration is seeking to strengthen U.S. supply chains, this rule becomes a new obstacle.  

“We encourage EPA to consider regulations that avoid unintended outcomes. Ultimately, this regulatory action will harm U.S. paper mills and cost hundreds of millions of dollars, with minimal environmental gain. This agency action will directly impact an industry that is a sustainability leader and supports American workers with high-paying jobs, often in small, rural communities.

“EPA missed an opportunity to craft a balanced and achievable regulatory solution. Sustainable regulation requires a willingness to achieve environmental progress while also supporting manufacturing and economic growth in America.”

Learn more about AF&PA members’ sustainability goals:   

The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) serves to advance U.S. paper and wood products manufacturers through fact-based public policy and marketplace advocacy. The forest products industry is circular by nature. AF&PA member companies make essential products from renewable and recyclable resources, generate renewable bioenergy and are committed to continuous improvement through the industry’s sustainability initiative —Better Practices, Better Planet 2030: Sustainable Products for a Sustainable Future. The forest products industry accounts for approximately 5% of the total U.S. manufacturing GDP, manufactures about $350 billion in products annually and employs about 925,000 people. The industry meets a payroll of about $65 billion annually and is among the top 10 manufacturing sector employers in 44 states. Visit AF&PA online at or follow us on Twitter @ForestandPaper