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Energy & Environment

AF&PA Disappointed in U.S. Department of the Treasury Final Rules for Technology-Neutral Clean Electricity Credits

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s (Treasury) final rule on clean electricity production and investment tax credits fails to recognize the carbon benefits of our industry’s biomass energy systems.

AF&PA Welcomes SCOTUS Ruling on Good Neighbor Ruling and Chevron Deference

The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) supports the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions to stay the EPA’s “Good Neighbor” plan and overturn the Chevron precedent. These rulings save AF&PA members millions and promote sustainable regulation.

What is the Environmental Impact of the Paper Industry?

We answered some common questions about the U.S. paper industry and its environmental impact. Dive in to explore how our industry is committed to sustainable manufacturing practices.

American Forest & Paper Association Sets Advocacy Agenda for 2024

AF&PA announced key advocacy priorities for 2024. Our policy priorities include safety, sustainability and energy and the environment. That’s in addition to several regulatory and policy challenges facing the paper and wood products industry this year.

Facts About Energy Use and the Paper Industry

Energy is required to make paper and wood products. As a leader in sustainability, the forest products industry has made significant strides to increase energy efficiency, reducing purchased energy by more than 13% since 2005.  

Forest Products Industry Testifies in Support of Legislative Action to Improve Air Quality Standards

AF&PA and AWC testified today before the House Energy and Commerce Committee urging legislative action to modernize U.S. air quality programs. We stand ready to work with the Administration to strengthen and support sustainable air regulations.

AF&PA and AWC Respond to EPA’s PM NAAQS Rule

The American Forest & Paper Association and American Wood Council responded to the EPA’s updated National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter. This unworkable PM NAAQS rule undermines President Biden's promise to grow and reshore manufacturing jobs.

What is Biomass Energy? 

The paper and wood products industry is part of a circular value chain that prides itself on sustainable practices. One of the ways we’re doing that is through the production of renewable biomass energy. Then we use that biomass energy to fuel our mills so we don’t have to use as much fossil fuels…

Industry CEOs Warn of Dire Economic Consequences from Proposed NAAQS Standards

AF&PA joined leaders of over 70 trade groups representing businesses across the economy in urging the Biden administration to maintain the existing National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for fine particulate matter (PM2.5). The letter warned that moving forward with EPA’s proposed…

Why EPA Should Not Finalize the Particulate Matter NAAQS Standard

EPA is proposing an update to their National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for fine particulate matter, PM2.5. However, their proposal threatens manufacturing industries, including the paper industry. Lowering the standard would threaten or prevent modernization projects and other major…

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Paper Manufacturing

Trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. That gets stored in forests and forest products. The forest products industry is also taking steps to improve greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy efficiency. In fact, the industry has reduced GHG emissions by more than 24% since 2005.