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Product Stewardship

Are Paper Cups Recyclable?

While you’re sipping your latte, you may wonder are paper cups recyclable? Yes, paper cups are recyclable! There are currently more than 30 mills across North America recycling paper cups. The fiber from those cups is then used to make tissue, paper and paper packaging.  

AF&PA Validates Paper Padded Mailers Recyclable

AF&PA released new industry guidance giving consumers confidence on the recyclability of paper padded mailers. Paper padded mailers are widely recycled at paper mills across the country.

Advancing Paper Recycling’s Success Into the Future

The findings presented in the 2021 AF&PA Access to Recycling Study show us that community recycling programs for paper and paper-based packaging are well-developed and widely accessible. This is good news when so many individuals are looking to make a difference on…

Paper Products Widely Accepted for Recycling

The 2021 AF&PA Access to Recycling Study found many items which are widely accepted. 60% or more of consumers have access to community recycling programs that accept these materials.

Access to Recycling Programs That Accept Pizza Boxes

The 2021 AF&PA Access to Recycling Study found 82% of the U.S. population has access to a community recycling program that accepts pizza boxes.  

Access to Recycling Programs in the U.S.

The 2021 AF&PA Access to Recycling Study found 94% of Americans have access to a community paper recycling program.  

Access to Curbside Recycling

The 2021 AF&PA Access to Recycling Study found 79% of Americans have access to residential-curbside recycling programs- an increase of more than 14 million people since our 2014 study.

Understanding What it Means to be a Responsible Producer

As we look ahead to 2022, there are potentially other states and jurisdictions that will consider EPR approaches that could have negative consequences for the paper and wood products industry.  

What We're Doing

AF&PA commissioned the 2021 Access to Recycling Study. The study is a comprehensive national report that tracks and measures the growth of access to community and paperboard recycling in the U.S. The study shows 94% of Americans have access to community paper recycling programs. And 79% of…

New York Times Misses the Point on Paper Recycling

The New York Times covered Maine’s dramatic new recycling law. But they missed the point on paper recycling. AF&PA responded in a letter to the editor.

AF&PA Responds to Oregon’s Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act

The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) President and CEO Heidi Brock issued the following statement in response to the Oregon Legislature passing the Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act (SB 582).

AF&PA Urges Governor Mills to Veto Maine’s Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging

The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) President and CEO Heidi Brock issued the following statement in opposition to the Maine Legislature’s passage of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging (LD 1541).