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Printing-Writing Annual Time Series

Comprehensive annual report on shipments and purchases of U.S. printing-writing grades providing 10 years of monthly data.

Printing-Writing Annual Uncoated Free Sheet

Comprehensive annual report on shipments and purchases of U.S. uncoated free sheet papers.

Printing-Writing Monthly

Comprehensive report on all printing-writing paper grades produced in the U.S. 

Printing-Writing Monthly Dataset

Excel data set featuring 5 years of monthly data on the U.S. printing-writing segment. In addition, a detailed monthly file of U.S. import/export data is included.

Recovered Paper Annual Statistical Summary

U.S. consumption of recovered paper by year, end-use, and region for the five major grades.

Recovered Paper Industry Dataset

Excel data set featuring 5 years of monthly data on recovered fiber consumption by U.S. paper mills.

Recovered Paper Monthly Exports Summary

U.S. export tons by grade, exports to the top five U.S. trade partners by grade and port.

Recovered Paper Monthly Imports-Exports

U.S. recovered paper exports by grade, year, month, U.S. port of embarkation and country of destination for last four years.

Recovered Paper Quarterly

Comprehensive report on the recovered paper market in the US, by major grade.