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Sustainability Award Winner RSVP

2024 Sustainability Award Winner RSVP

The 2024 AF&PA Sustainability Awards will be presented at AF&PA’s Board of Directors’ meeting on Friday, Nov. 8 at 9:45 am at the Charleston Place Hotel in Charleston, South Carolina. Award winner photos will be taken promptly at 9:30 am – immediately before the Board of Directors’ meeting. Please wait to make your announcement of the award until after noon on November 8, 2024. AF&PA’s Communications Team will be in touch to coordinate planned promotion.   

 Attending the Sustainability Awards Presentation 

Award winners are invited to attend the Friday awards photo session, Board of Directors’ meeting, and networking lunch on a complimentary basis. Alternatively, winners are welcome to attend the entire Presidents Forum event with permission from their respective CEO. Early event registration is $1,450 (plus $695 for spouses/guests). If your company is sending three or more representatives to this event, please contact to secure the group early registration rate of $1,250 per person. Hotel rates start at $399/night. 

Please complete the RSVP form below by September 30 to start your registration process. A members of the Presidents Forum team will reach out to confirm the details of your registration and complete the transaction. 

Sustainability Award Presentation RSVP (by Sept. 30)

Event Selections
Please click options below to select the events and activities that you would like to register for. Award winners are invited to attend the Friday events on a complimentary basis. Alternatively, winners are welcome to attend the entire Presidents Forum event with permission from their respective CEO. Early event registration is $1,450 (plus $695 for spouses/guests). 
I give permission for AF&PA to use my likeness for marketing and communications related to the AF&PA Sustainability Awards including internal AF&PA needs and external AF&PA online/hardcopy media and digital needs. 

Event Selections
Please click options below to select the events and activities that you would like to register for. Award winners are invited to attend the Friday events on a complimentary basis. Alternatively, winners are welcome to attend the entire Presidents Forum event with permission from their respective CEO. Early event registration is $1,450 (plus $695 for spouses/guests). 
I give permission for AF&PA to use my likeness for marketing and communications related to the AF&PA Sustainability Awards including internal AF&PA needs and external AF&PA online/hardcopy media and digital needs. 

Event Selections
Please click options below to select the events and activities that you would like to register for. Award winners are invited to attend the Friday events on a complimentary basis. Alternatively, winners are welcome to attend the entire Presidents Forum event with permission from their respective CEO. Early event registration is $1,450 (plus $695 for spouses/guests). 
I give permission for AF&PA to use my likeness for marketing and communications related to the AF&PA Sustainability Awards including internal AF&PA needs and external AF&PA online/hardcopy media and digital needs.