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Sustainability Award Winner Information

AF&PA 2024 Sustainability Awards

AF&PA's 2024 Sustainability Awards will be presented at AF&PA’s Board of Directors’ meeting on Friday, Nov. 8 at 9:45 am at the Charleston Place Hotel in Charleston, South Carolina. Award winner photos will be taken promptly at 9:30 am – immediately before the Board of Directors’ meeting. Please wait to make your announcement of the award until after noon on November 8, 2024. AF&PA’s Communications Team will be in touch to coordinate planned promotion.   

Award Recipient Information

Please complete the form below with your company’s award information by August 26, 2024.

Sustainability Award Project Information: Pillar awards will be presented to your CEO (or designated representative) during the Sustainability Awards Program at AF&PA’s Board of Directors’ meeting at Presidents Forum on Friday, Nov. 8 in Charleston, South Carolina. Information provided in the form below will appear, exactly as submitted, on the award, press release and presentation during Presidents Forum. Space on the award is limited. If your project name is long, the font used will be smaller to accommodate space limitation.

Attending the Sustainability Awards Presentation: Award winners are invited to attend the Friday awards photo session, Board of Directors’ meeting and networking lunch on a complimentary basis.  Alternatively, winners are welcome to attend the entire Presidents Forum event with permission from their respective CEO. Early event registration is $1,450 (plus $695 for spouses/guests). Hotel rates start at $399/night. If you are interested in attending the event, please submit this form by September 30.  

2024 Sustainability Award Recipient Information

Please list the primary contact person for AF&PA to reach out to with questions about the sustainability award information.
Please list the Award Winner Company Name exactly as it should appear on the Pillar Award, in press release and other AF&PA communications. 
Please list the Award Winning Project Title exactly as it should appear on the Pillar Award, in press releases and other AF&PA communications. We strongly recommend keeping the project title succinct (recommended maximum 70 characters total).
Please list the name of the person who will accept the sustainability award at AF&PA's board meeting on Friday, November 8th in Charleston, South Carolina. 
Please list the title for the person accepting the award at the AF&PA board meeting. 
Please list a cell phone number for the person accepting the award at the AF&PA board meeting. 
Sustainability Award Winner Photo
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AF&PA will coordinate a group photo of the Sustainability Award winners at Presidents Forum on Friday, November 8th in Charleston, South Carolina. Additionally, we will take photos of each award winning company. Please list all of the individuals from your company who should be included in your company photo.