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Turning a New Leaf in the Paper Industry: Summer Internships

AF&PA Summer Interns Share Their Learnings from Their Internship

AF&PA is excited to introduce our 2024 summer interns!

  • Mary Stafford – Strategic Communications Intern
  • Anabella “Bella” Zoslow – Strategic Communications & Events Intern
  • Akhil Krishnan – Industry Affairs Intern

This summer, Mary, Bella, and Akhil had the opportunity to learn first-hand about the forest products industry. They discovered how different policies shape the industry, how AF&PA advocates on behalf of our members and why the forest products industry is so important to our everyday lives.

Before they head back to college, let’s get to know them a bit better!

What Interests You About the Paper and Wood Products Industry?

Headshot of Mary Stafford from the shoulders up smiling in a sweater.

“Since starting my internship at AF&PA, I’ve been thinking about paper products a lot more than I ever have in the past. Paper and wood products are so present in our everyday lives, yet it’s not often the typical person spares them a second thought. Learning how these products are manufactured and make it to our homes has been illuminating in a whole new way.” -- Mary Stafford, University of South Carolina ‘24

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Headshot of Anabella "Bella" Zoslow from the shoulders up smiling in a long sleeve shirt.

“I have interest in the paper and wood products industry because I have always cared about the environment, and I want to promote sustainability.” -- Anabella “Bella” Zoslow, American University ‘27

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Headshot of Akhil Krishnan from the shoulders up smiling in a suit jacket.

“What interests me the most about the paper and wood products industry is how there are so many different people that go into it, whether it’s to be an environmental lobbyist or a statistician analyzing data sent over from a nearby paper mill, with everyone contributing in their own unique way towards a better environment in the future.” -- Akhil Krishnan, Penn State University ‘27

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What Extracurricular Activities Are You a Part of, and How Have They Shaped Your Life Experience?

Headshot of Mary Stafford from the shoulders up smiling in a sweater.

“Two of my favorite extracurricular activities I’ve been involved in have been CreateAThon and Student-Made.

CreateAThon is an event my college puts on every year where students are split into teams for different nonprofits. We then spend 24 hours (all night!) putting together marketing and design materials that the nonprofits would not typically be able to afford. The next morning, all the teams get to present their work directly to the nonprofits. It was not only a valuable experience in terms of experiencing making materials for real clients, but also it felt good to be able to deliver work to organizations that needed it.

Student-made is an organization that gives students a platform to connect with other student entrepreneurs on campus to sell our handmade goods. I love collecting sea glass, and my hobby for a few years has been learning to wire wrap it and make jewelry pieces. Student-made has given me an accessible way to begin selling some of my work and make new friends and connections along the way.” -- Mary Stafford, University of South Carolina ‘24

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Headshot of Anabella "Bella" Zoslow from the shoulders up smiling in a long sleeve shirt.

“I have been on the student council and was the president of service activities at my school. Those clubs helped shape my interest in political science and activism!” -- Anabella “Bella” Zoslow, American University ‘27

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Headshot of Akhil Krishnan from the shoulders up smiling in a suit jacket.

“I’ve done several extracurricular activities in the past such as robotics, drama, and playing the violin, and they have all helped me learn not to give up and persist through tough challenges.” -- Akhil Krishnan, Penn State University ‘27

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What Are Some of Your Favorite Projects from Your Internship this Summer?

Headshot of Mary Stafford from the shoulders up smiling in a sweater.

“My favorite projects from this summer have been working on design work for Paper Meets LIVE! and Presidents Forum. I have done a lot of design work in college, but it’s a whole different feeling getting to work on designs that will go on to be used for actual events. It has been so valuable going through the feedback and review progress with a real organization like this.” -- Mary Stafford, University of South Carolina ‘24

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Headshot of Anabella "Bella" Zoslow from the shoulders up smiling in a long sleeve shirt.

“My favorite project that I have worked on over this summer was choosing the AF&PA Holiday lunch!

I loved that project so much because I got to explore DC and research different restaurants in the area! I then got to visit and eat at some of those restaurants! I learned what to look for and avoid when planning a holiday lunch as well!

In the end, my top recommendation was chosen as this year's location for the Holiday lunch, and that made me feel really proud of the work I did!” -- Anabella “Bella” Zoslow, American University ‘27

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Headshot of Akhil Krishnan from the shoulders up smiling in a suit jacket.

“My favorite projects from AF&PA this summer have been a database project, where I had to classify different types of paper and their values as ranges on a table, and an AI project, where I am currently working on automating written reports.” -- Akhil Krishnan, Penn State University ‘27

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How Can We Attract More Students to Our Industry?

Headshot of Mary Stafford from the shoulders up smiling in a sweater.

“I think that one of the best things AF&PA is already doing now is working with the Paperboard Packaging Council to run the Student Design Challenge! Getting the word out and getting more campuses involved is a great way to get students thinking about the paper industry.

It really shows how paperboard packaging can be innovative and used for more products than you would think. It also inspires thinking about advancing sustainability goals through packaging and I know I would love to see my campus get involved.” -- Mary Stafford, University of South Carolina ‘24

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Headshot of Anabella "Bella" Zoslow from the shoulders up smiling in a long sleeve shirt.

“I think a good way to get more students involved in this industry is by posting issues and events on social media and TikTok!” -- Anabella “Bella” Zoslow, American University ‘27

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Headshot of Akhil Krishnan from the shoulders up smiling in a suit jacket.

“AF&PA can attract more students to their industry by highlighting their commitment to certain initiatives such as their care for the environment and their sustainability practices.” -- Akhil Krishnan, Penn State University ‘27

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Thank you to our 2024 Summer interns! We are “sappy” to see you go, but we can’t wait to see what you accomplish next.

The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) serves to advance U.S. paper and wood products manufacturers through fact-based public policy and marketplace advocacy. The forest products industry is circular by nature. AF&PA member companies make essential products from renewable and recyclable resources, generate renewable bioenergy and are committed to continuous improvement through the industry’s sustainability initiative —Better Practices, Better Planet 2030: Sustainable Products for a Sustainable Future. The forest products industry accounts for approximately 5% of the total U.S. manufacturing GDP, manufactures about $350 billion in products annually and employs about 925,000 people. The industry meets a payroll of about $65 billion annually and is among the top 10 manufacturing sector employers in 44 states. Visit AF&PA online at or follow us on Twitter @ForestandPaper