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Call for Applications to U.S. Blue Sky Awards

WASHINGTON – The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) is now accepting applications for the U.S. segment of the Blue Sky Awards.   

The Blue Sky Awards recognize students, young researchers and young professionals who are passionate about clean manufacturing, sustainable forestry and forest products, and the forest bioeconomy.

The 2024-2025 theme is: Time for the forest-based sector to showcase its innovative solutions for forest products, wood bioindustry and forest conservation, management, and restoration. 

“The Blue Sky Awards is a fantastic opportunity to spark innovations that will help further sustainability and circular economy advancement in our industry,” said Heidi Brock, ICFPA President and President and CEO of the American Forest & Paper Association. “I continue to be impressed by the projects we see from the Blue Sky Award applicants. I am excited to see how the next generation of our industry is working to solve challenges and expand opportunities.”   

The international award program, in its 5th edition, now offers 2 categories:

  • The Blue Sky Young Researchers Innovation Award competition is open to students and researchers who are:
    • 30 years or younger on September 19, 2024
    • Carrying out research and innovation projects relevant to forestry and the forest products industry
    • Have links to academia, public or private research centers, and/or corporate research and innovation departments
  • The Blue Sky PRO Young Professionals Innovation Award competition is open to researchers and professionals who are:
    • 35 years or younger on September 19, 2024
    • Carrying out research and innovation projects relevant to forestry and the forest products industry
    • Have links to private research centers and/or corporate research and innovation departments

A panel of judges, including representatives from industry, research and academia, will select up to 2 finalists for the U.S. competition. Applicants will be judged on their research and development, and potential impact across the forest-sector value chain. 

Up to 2 U.S. candidates will be nominated to the international Blue Sky Award competition, which is sponsored by the International Council of Forest & Paper Associations (ICFPA). The ICFPA represents 18 pulp, paper, wood and fiber-based associations that encompass 28 countries. 

The top 3 international finalists will have the opportunity to showcase their projects at the ICFPA CEO Roundtable in May 2025 in New York City.

  • The top international finalist will receive $1,500.
  • The second and third place international finalists will receive $750 and $500, respectively.
  • Travel and accommodation expenses for the 3 international finalists will be covered to present at the ICFPA CEO Roundtable.

The deadline for submissions for the U.S. Blue Sky Awards is December 9, 2024. Applications must include a short CV, summary of the project and a letter of support.

Blue Sky Award program details, full application criteria and online application form are available at

The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) serves to advance public policies that foster economic growth, job creation and global competitiveness for a vital sector that makes the essential paper and packaging products Americans use every day. The U.S. forest products industry employs more than 925,000 people, largely in rural America, and is among the top 10 manufacturing sector employers in 44 states. Our industry accounts for approximately 4.7% of the total U.S. manufacturing GDP, manufacturing more than $435 billion in products annually. AF&PA member companies are significant producers and users of renewable biomass energy and are committed to making sustainable products for a sustainable future through the industry’s decades-long initiative — Better Practices, Better Planet 2030