Industry Experts Weigh in on Masks and Recycling
Question: Are the masks we’re wearing to protect us from COVID-19 recyclable?
Answer: Unfortunately, no. Masks are made up of a combination of a lot of materials, and they can’t be recycled. Cloth masks also cannot be recycled. Both should be placed in the garbage when they can no longer be used. Keep in mind that masks are helping to protect you and your loved ones from spreading the virus.
Recycling at Home
However, we’re likely generating more things that can be recycled now that some of us are home more often. Those cardboard boxes from shopping online? Those should go in your curbside recycling bin.
So can the paper packaging protecting the individual purchases inside shipping boxes. Boxes that package medicines and food like cereal or pasta can also go in the recycling bin.
What Can You Do?
Always be sure to check your local recycling guidelines to make sure you’re recycling correctly. When you recycle the right items, you’re helping to make new products.
In the U.S., around 80% of paper mills use some recycled paper fiber to make new products. Things like computer paper, cardboard boxes, cereal boxes and toilet paper.