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AF&PA Applauds U.S. – Canada Leadership for Recognizing the Paper and Wood Products Industry’s Importance in Cross-Border Trade

CONTACT: Lindsay Murphy / Tim Ebner
(202) 463-2587,

WASHINGTON – Earlier today, President Trump and Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau agreed to close the border separating the United States and Canada temporarily to non-essential travel amid the COVID-19 outbreak. American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) President and CEO Heidi Brock issued the following statement in response to both countries recognizing the importance of cross-border trade:

“The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) would like to thank President Trump and Prime Minister Trudeau for recognizing that cross-border trade in goods is necessary to maintaining closely linked supply chains that exist between our two countries.

“In 2019, total U.S. – Canada trade in pulp and paper products totaled $12.8 billion. Now more than ever, it is imperative that AF&PA members are afforded the ability to continue manufacturing our essential products for consumers and businesses globally.” 


The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) serves to advance U.S. paper and wood products manufacturers through fact-based public policy and marketplace advocacy. The forest products industry is circular by nature. AF&PA member companies make essential products from renewable and recyclable resources, generate renewable bioenergy and are committed to continuous improvement through the industry’s sustainability initiative —Better Practices, Better Planet 2030: Sustainable Products for a Sustainable Future. The forest products industry accounts for approximately 5% of the total U.S. manufacturing GDP, manufactures about $350 billion in products annually and employs about 925,000 people. The industry meets a payroll of about $65 billion annually and is among the top 10 manufacturing sector employers in 44 states. Visit AF&PA online at or follow us on Twitter @ForestandPaper