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Update in Brief

Spotlight in Brief: 2020 Sustainability Award Winner for Innovation in Sustainability

The paper and wood products industry is truly innovative. With new technologies and creative ideas, our members are creating products that are sustainable and responsibly manufactured. AF&PA member, WestRock designed and developed a proprietary fiber-based packaging…

New York’s Extended Producer Responsibility Bill Needs a Redo, Leaving Paper Out

The New York Daily News recently ran an editorial on Albany’s proposed extended producer responsibility (EPR) bill. We agree with the editorial, and its headline statement to New York lawmakers: “Recycle This Legislative Language."

Spotlight in Brief: 2020 Sustainability Award Winner for Innovation in Sustainability

The forest products industry leads with an approach that supports sustainable practices furthering the betterment of our planet. AF&PA member, The Price Companies began acquiring under managed agricultural and timberland to increase conservation and sustainability practices.

Spotlight in Brief: 2020 Sustainability Award Winner for Sustainable Water Use

Water is an essential part of the pulp and papermaking process, making water stewardship critical. AF&PA member Sappi North America, a leading producer and supplier of diversified paper, packaging products and pulp, is challenging industry standards and innovating new methods for…

Spotlight in Brief: 2020 Sustainability Award Winner for Energy Efficiency / Greenhouse Gas Reduction

The paper and wood products industry was among the first U.S. manufacturing sectors to take voluntary action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In 2011, AF&PA member Resolute set one of the industry’s most ambitious GHG emission commitments…

Spotlight in Brief: 2020 Sustainability Award Winner for Sustainable Forest Management

AF&PA member Evergreen Packaging was recently recognized for their leadership in sustainable forest management and work to help family forest landowners increase access to forest certification programs.

Spotlight in Brief: 2020 Sustainability Award Winner for Safety

Clearwater Paper implemented an enterprise-wide Environmental Health & Safety Excellence strategy focused on five key foundations to reduce and eliminate safety impacts to employees, contractors and communities.

Paper and Wood Product Industry Supports Learning Opportunities for Employees

Paper products touch our lives daily. Whether it’s a tissue to blow your nose, the paper cup that holds your morning coffee or the box that delivers your online order to your front door, paper products manage to make their way into our routines.

Creating Ease for Consumers One Package Design at a Time

Behind the packaging of one’s favorite product is a designer, creating solutions to meet brand and consumer goals. Dana Exner, Manager, Creative Structural Design at Graphic Packaging International, is one of those people.

Love for Paper and Essential Products at First Sight

Cecilia Colburn walked into Procter & Gamble’s Cape Girardeau mill over 17 years ago as an intern and knew that the paper industry was the industry for her. Simply put, it was love at first sight.

Continuous Lessons in the Paper and Wood Products Industry

With a world of many possibilities, the opportunity to learn new skills and knowledge is endless. Stacy Brault, Corporate Environmental Engineer for Green Bay Packaging, values continuous learning and the opportunity to try something new, especially when it benefits the environment.

Engineer Gives Back to Hometown Paper Mill

Giving back to your community can be done in different ways. For Tori Van Thiel, it was giving back in the form of leadership and mentorship.