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Update in Brief

Smarter Regulation: Doing More Good Than Harm

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just taken a groundbreaking step to advance the eminently reasonable principle required by every president for over 37 years: In developing regulations, regulators should consider important tradeoffs and select regulatory options that do more good…

PPRC Brings Concerns to Capitol Hill, Washington Decision Makers During Annual Fly-In

The Pulp and Paperworkers’ Resource Council (PPRC) is made up of paper mill workers from all over the United States. We hold various jobs - union and non-union - throughout our mills and in rural and urban communities across the country. And, this week during our Washington annual fly-in, we look…

Shining the Light on Regulatory Dark Matter: Due Process and Management for Agency Guidance Documents

While agency development and use of guidance documents can be a mind-numbing subject, it is very important. Guidance – the full spectrum of agency policy statements and interpretive rules, including agency memoranda, circulars, bulletins, frequently- asked questions and so forth – is a vast but…

Shining the Light on Regulatory Dark Matter: Due Process and Management for Agency Guidance Documents

While agency development and use of guidance documents can be a mind-numbing subject, it is very important. Guidance – the full spectrum of agency policy statements and interpretive rules, including agency memoranda, circulars, bulletins, frequently- asked questions and so forth – is a vast but…

Bringing Accountability to Regulation: Doing More Good than Harm

 If reasonable minds can agree that the goal of regulation is to enhance, not undermine, societal well-being, then the Regulatory Accountability Act (RAA), S. 951, can bring the most important statutory change to the regulatory process since the enactment of the Administrative Procedure Act…