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House and Senate Paper and Packaging Caucus

AF&PA supports the Paper and Packaging Caucus’s purpose to inform members of Congress about the value of the paper and packaging industry in their states and districts. This bipartisan, bicameral caucus highlights the importance and economic significance of the paper and packaging industry and focuses on the policy solutions needed to sustain and promote this important sector.

Background and Activity

Originating in the House in 2013 with 50 members, the caucus expanded membership to include the Senate in 2015. In the 119th Congress, the Caucus is led by Senator John Boozman (R–AR) in the Senate and Congressmen Dan Newhouse (R-WA-4) and Lou Correa (D-CA-46) in the House of Representatives.

Members host educational events throughout each year and promote the forest products industry during National Forest Products Week - recognized during the 3rd week of October.

Please consider joining the Congressional Paper and Packaging Caucus to represent industry employees in your state or district and the millions of people who depend on the products our industry creates for everyday life.

To join the House or Senate Caucus, please contact the following staff:

Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA-4)

Rep. Lou Correa (D-CA-46)

Sen. John Boozman (R–AR)

Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)

Jessica Carter: 202-225-5816

Ngoc Nguyen: 202-225-2965

Joe Brown: 202-224-4843

D.C. Office: 202-224-5653


Tammy Baldwin, Co-Chair, D-Wisconsin

Marsha Blackburn, R-Tennessee

John Boozman, Co-Chair, R-Arkansas

Shelley Moore Capito, R-West Virginia

Susan Collins, R-Maine

Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas

Cindy Hyde-Smith, R-Mississippi

Angus King, I-Maine

Amy Klobuchar, D-Minnesota

James Risch, R-Idaho

Tina Smith, D-Minnesota

Roger Wicker, R-Mississippi

Rick Allen, R-GA-12

Brian Babin, R-TX-36

Jim Baird, R-IN-4

Sanford Bishop, D-GA-2

Julia Brownley, D-CA-26

Buddy Carter, R-GA-1

Lou Correa, Co-Chair, D-CA-46

Chuck Fleischmann, R-TN-3

Adam Gray, D-CA-13

Jared Golden, D-ME-2

Paul Gosar, R-AZ-4

Morgan Griffith, R-VA-9

Glenn Grothman, R-WI-6

Brett Guthrie, R-KY-2

French Hill, R-AR-2

Richard Hudson, R-NC-8

John Joyce, R-PA-13

Mike Kelly, R-PA-16

Bob Latta, R-OH-5

Daniel Meuser, R-PA-9

Greg Murphy, R-NC-03

Richard Neal, D-MA-1

Dan Newhouse, Co-Chair, R-WA-4

Ralph Norman, R-SC-5

Scott Perry, R-PA-4

Mark Pocan, D-WI-2

Guy Reschenthaler, R-PA-14

David Rouzer, R-NC-7

John Rutherford, R-FL-4

Austin Scott, R-GA-8

Jason Smith, R-MO-8

Pete Stauber, R-MN-8

Glenn Thompson, R-PA-5

Mike Turner, R-OH-10

Bruce Westerman, R-AR-4

Rob Wittman, R-VA-1